How MMU works


Above the video: As you work through the videos, you’ll find downloadable materials available through a tab at the top left of the screen. Make sure to check for these tabs as they offer reference guides and/or downloadable material you’ll need to complete the lesson.


Beneath the video: All lessons have supportive text right beneath the video. We recommend reviewing this written text prior to watching the video as it will help warm you up to what’s to be expected. You can also use this material as a reference after you’ve completed the video as it summarizes the lesson.


Some lessons will include quizzes, which will be found beneath the lessons supportive text. Not all videos will have a quiz, if it does, you’ll see it at the bottom under “Lesson Content.” These quizzes are designed to gauge your own understanding, so focus on your results and what they mean for your financial skills.


If you struggle with budgeting, reflect on whether you want to be someone who lacks this crucial skill. Your performance on these quizzes directly impacts your financial future, not ours. We encourage you to approach the program, materials, and quizzes with seriousness and enthusiasm, as they are key to transforming your financial life. This is your opportunity to make a lasting change.

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